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20. Oct 2008

Elizabeth Taylor ja Richard Burton – Esmaspäev, kell on 21.23

Kategoorias: tarkust-täis — villu @ 08:22
  •  Richard: “Ma leidsin, et ta on kõige hämmastavamalt eneseküllane, kaunis, kauge, eemalolev, kättesaamatu naine, keda ma iial olen näinud.”

  • Richard: Tema rinnad olid apokalüptilised, nad tõotasid enne närtsimist pühkida maa pealt impeeriume.”
  • Richard:Tema keha oli vormikuse ime…”
  • Liz (about her relationship with Richard): “It was probably the most chaotic time of my life. It was fun, and it was dark–oceans of tears, but there were some good times, too.”
  • Richard (about his love for Liz): “Elizabeth has great worries about becoming a cripple because her feet sometimes have no feeling in them. She asked if I would stop loving her if she had to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. I told her that I didn’t care if her legs, bum and bosoms fell off and her teeth turned yellow. And she went bald. I love that woman so much sometimes that I cannot believe my luck. She has given me so much.”

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